September 2009
“If there is an empty seat next to you, please raise your hand” At our farewell screening in Hamburg I had more pain to endure… people being turned away because the screening was sold out. Such is life! Had a …
Does size really matter?
10:30 pm on a Sunday night in a gourgeos 200+ seat theater in a trendy part of town our film premieres in Hamburg… no more than 25 people in attendance. I take a breath! I had not experienced this since …
Up for over 30hrs
I am in Hamburg after flying from NYC, eating currywurst for lunch, seeing ‘you won’t miss me’ by NYC filmmaker Ry Russo-Young (whom Paola met in Portugal)and 2 glasses of wine and all night dancing! So why am I not …
Finger typing from London
As the title suggest I am blogging from my phone so do excuse any typos! At the moment I am in London, under my warm covers resting from av full two days of being a tourist!!!! And I have been …
I woke up this morning a bit disoriented…I wasn’t sure where I was..I didn’t recognize the hotel room (tends to happen when your traveling a lot) and then after a few seconds of figuring out where literally in the world …
Love on the streets of Deauville
Yesterday, with our hair and make up all done up, P & I walk out of our hotel for our press session followed by our screening. Right away the paparazzi “Paola… Paola!” (with perfect pronunciation) so she smiles, waves and …
It was bound to happen…
So eventually we had to cross that bridge…eventually we would not have perfection and last night was when is when it happened. Last night we had out first (and hopefully last) bad screening. I hate even typing that ( and …
Lost in translation
I learned that speaking spanish does not mean I understand a word of Portugese. Portugese sounds like a mixture of Italian, Spanish and Chinese…which leaves me at a complete loss when it comes to comunicating. Thank god my Portugese brothers …
In 40 mins I will be on a plane to Paris and then catch a connection to Lisbon arriving at about 10:30 am. We screen ENTRE NOS tomorrow night so I will have just enough time to get my hussle …